Sunday, June 10, 2012

The birthday girl and one of the three most important women in my life.
I am so thankful to one person in particular for convincing me to cut my trip short and to be there for my family...thank you Linda!

My Son-In-Law Mike Parkyn with my daughter, Courtney...the parents of my precious Rowan!

Courtney and Row...Row is very handy in the kitchen and decorated her own birthday cake!

Rowan's wonderful grandmother...Judie.
Judie helps Mike and Courtney out by taking care of Row when they are both working!

Row's other grandmother Kathy (Mike's mom) demonstrating the proper way for a lady to carry her purse!

Granddad Clay, Courtney and a tired of getting her picture taken Rowan.

My son Colin, looking relaxed and on the stump for his hero...Ron Paul!
Colin will be leaving for China soon where he will be teaching English to Chinese students...
Colin also made the very difficult decision to change careers and begin doing something he has always enjoyed... teaching...I believe that Colin will become the best teacher in whatever school system is lucky enough to hire him!
Love you Col!

Courtney and Mike are vegetarian, so Courtney made a gluten free cake...she thinks that somehow it melted (it sure looks like it)!
Come on Courts, it wasn't that hot yesterday!

Meet Aiden!!
Aiden is the nicest, most polite 6 year old I have ever met!
When I first met him he was 4 and he walked straight up to me...stuck out his hand to shake and said "hi, I'm Aiden..whats your name?"
That day was the day that I came to really like could any father who has raised a great son like Aiden not be a great husband to my only daughter?

The opening of Row Row's gifts...with her buddy Ruby helping out as usual.
Thats one of the great things about Labs...they really know how to tear things up!

My cousin Tom and his beautiful daughter Jill!
Their family (along with cousin Sue) have had a very difficult year and I admire the heck out of them for the strength and courage that they have displayed.  Collectively, their approach to the hardships that life throws at us all, have given me an excellent example of ways necessary to continue on with life in a positive and upbeat manner even when the worst circumstances possible happen!
I still pray for you all every night. 

Mike with...oh you know by now!
When we arrived at the party Mike was the first familiar face that she saw...I've only seen her do it a few times but she jumped up and down...all 4 legs leaving the ground at the same time, about 3 feet in the air.... pure joy!
I'm not sure who was happier to be or the Rubes!
Our return early from the trip was a well kept secret, with only a few people in the loop in an effort to enhance the surprise...the surprise however ended when Ruby bolted into the house at full speed..wagging and jumping!
Very little self control...much like her roomate!

RowRow and her best buddy RuRu.  The two have been inseparable since they first year ago...almost to the day...Rubes was 7 weeks old and Rowan was one year.
Come to think of it I had just brought Ruby home from her momma's house near Sacramento the day before (once again unusual timing) Courtney says "they are like two peas in a pod"
Ruby rarely leaves Row's side and protects her as if she was her own!

Left to right....Mike, Courtney, cousin Sue, Judie, Tom, Ed (Jill's husband) and Jill.

What a wonderful and importantly HAPPY family!
I love you all!

The Parkyn's and their mother's and grandmother's...Judie and Kathy

Court's and that the correct grammer?
In this picture you can plainly see the effects of 8 weeks on the road with practically no exercise....visible just above the belt line!
People tell us we look alike...what do you think?

RowRow giving her buddy....RuRu a kiss on her whiskery cheek!

Ok...I know I can get this right!
Left to niece Cara..Sister-In -Law son Colin...Judie...another Sister-In-Law Mary Teresa...niece Carrie and daughter Courtney...thats a lot of names that begin with a "C".
I would like to thank Courtney for bringing all of the the different parts of my family together for Row's birthday!
I'm embarrassed to say that I haven't seen some of my relatives shown here in a number of years.
I'm going to work hard to make sure that that doesn't happen again in the future.

Colin,  RowRow and RuRu having a philosphical discussion on the complexities of life!

The partners in crime doing a little post party digging...I think that their intention was to dig a hole to China for Uncle Colin to travel in so that he wouldn't have to be away from them for so long!

My beautiful family!
I am so proud of Colin and Courtney, they have grown into the kind of wonderful, caring and loving adults that would make any parent proud!
I love you both with all of my heart...don't ever change and always be true to yourself!


  1. We love you too Dad :o) Thanks for such a nice post and for making it to Rowan's party. It meant a lot to all of us to have you there!

  2. Good day Sir,
    First I would like to say you have a great family. God bless all of you. Secondly, I was wondering if the Mike Parkyn pictured above is the Mike Parkyn who went to El Toro HS in Orange County, CA. He was a good friend of mine back in the day. We spent a lot of time playing basketball and hanging out. If he is the Mike I am referring to, please give my email address to him and let him know I would love to hear from him. If it isn't him, I apologize for taking up your time.
    Thank you Sir.
    Tim Soobzokov
