Sunday, June 3, 2012

We are now in Minneapolis, arfter arriving from Dr. Bob's in Rochester.  We are here to visit my brother Chris, his husband Steve and my good high school friend Jack.
Today's entry comprises Friday's travel and our 1st couple of hours here in Minneapolis.
But first things first...Ruby and I really appreciate the outpouring of concern about Ruby's unauthorized breakfast choice of rat poison on Wednsday...I have recieved countless emails, texts and phone calls concerned about her health.  For that I thank each and every one of was a very scary time.
While the vet says that they won't know for two weeks her long term prognosis, she has not displayed any of the symptoms that Dr. Clayton has me on the alert for.  She still is not 100% herself, but she is feeling much better (maybe 90%) and starting to act like the energetic, headstrong, fun loving,playful, always curious Lab that she is...for those that have met her she is even beginning to smile again!
So again thank you for kind thoughts and hopes for her speedy recovery!
It seems to be working!!!

Upon leaving Rochester we had to make a stop at the world famous Mayo Clinic, if nothing else to see firsthand the enormity of this is breathaking in size and scope.  Dr. Bob was telling me that the Mayo was the only facility in the country that could run a screen of tests and if something needed attention could have the patient in treatment or surgery the very next day with the very best doctors in the world.  While I appreciate the fact that this is all possible and that Dr. Bob could probably get me in treatment quickly if that day ever occured...
I hope that Friday was the only day that I every see the Mayo again!
We were late getting into Rocherster Thursday and I had to take care of handling some personal matters on Friday which took a little time and we once again had a late start leaving for Minneapolis.

I really like the midwest, the weather has been beautiful, the crops...mostly corn (while not as high as an elephants eye) are beginning their assent that ultimately will result on your table or in your gas tank.  In this part of the midwest the sky and horizon seemingly stretch forever with the sun and clouds creating dapples of sunlight and shade that create a feeling akin to viewing a Van Gough painting.
I feel the enormity of nature when I see images like this! 

Chris, Steve, Ruby and I went to a seafood restaurant at Minnehaha Falls!  They have been telling me that while it wasn't a" Fish Market", it was very good.  Never argue with these guys about food...they know good food!
The restaurant is called SeSalt and the line you see here is but a fraction of the line that was waiting to get in as we left...must have been 50 yards long....
Once again quality at a reasonable price equals lots and lots of business.
How come so few seem able to do this?

Meet Chris and Steve!
(Chris, my brother is on the right and his husband Steve is on the left)
Chris and Steve have an enviable relationship with their personalities fitting together like a jigsaw puzzle and their strenghts and weakness' complimenting each others perfectly.
Chris works for Esperia (sorry about the spelling...if you read this call me and correct me)!
He has been a sales rep. for them for a number of years and really does a great job selling..Chris used to sell my baseball candy door to door for me because he is quite simply a better salesman!
Steve recently got a nursing certificate after switching careers...a gutty move, but one that I think fits his strenghts very see.. he is a kind and thoughtful man now working in an assisted living facility...doing what he does best providing care and comfort and always with a smile!
They are a great couple!

A short story...
In 1974 streaking was a popular pastime.  Roger Ulmer, Bill Crawford and my brother and I got hammered at my parents house in Edina, Minn. one night when they were out of town.  This hotel was once a Radisson with an indoor pool..all in all a really nice hotel.
Our liquid courage provided the the origination of this plan to join the growing legion of naked runners!
Everything went according to our plan..we stripped in the elevator on the way down, ran butt naked around the pool as people laughed, clapped, cursed and threw drinks at us.
We out ran the security guys all the back to my car...laughing hysterically about our success, I tried to start the car, but it...wouldn't.....fucking.... start!!!
Earlier that year in it's attempt to defeat Darwinism the government mandated that all new cars be equipped with an ignition interrupt system that  when the seatbelts were not connected the car wouldn't start...guess who forgot to connect his seatbelt...the 4 of us still laughing to the point of tears, naked with 5 security suurounding the car, who the truth be told couldn't stop laughing either!
How could I forget this building?

The Minneapolis skyline in the background, Lake Harriet in the foreground.
Minnesota is called the land of "10,000 lakes" for a reason, they are everywhere...little known fact: Kobe's team is named because of this!
Well, maybe not that little known...does that make sense?'s late!
Approaching Minneapolis from the flat prairie, the city suddenly comes into view much like the first time that Dorethey, Toto, the Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion and the Scarecrow first viewed Oz through their opium induced gaze!

While we were walking around the lake Ruby's "dog radar went up" and she dragged me to an introduction with this nice lady named Sarah (Ruby introduces me to a lot of people)!
Ruby likes puppies and Stella at 7 weeks old fell perfectly into Ruby's wheelhouse.
Ruby hung on that fence for 15 minutes exchanging wet sloppy puppy kisses with Stella! 

If you don't like the history stuff move to the next entry...
This is a statue of Father Hennipen in front of The Basilica of St. Mary's in Minneapolis.
Father Hennipen was the first European to come this far into the interior of the country.  Now the history lesson...if you have been reading this you'll hopefully recall that the good Father was also the first European to see Niagra Falls in 1678...this dude had a passion...for his work, his calling in life and his desire to "go where no man has gone before".....I really admire people like that!

Found this mural in downtown Minneapolis.
I think that it is the perfect representation of the Twin Cities..a beautiful  blond Scandinavian girl (there are a bunch of natural blond women least I think they are natural blondes)!  The wheat and hops that are found in abundance in the fields surrounding the Cities, the bridge that crosses the Mississippi (representing the Cities ties to it's founding as a trading post) and a silhouette of Minneapolis' skyline.
I like the Twin Cities...don't like the cold or lack of salt water though!

Two of my favorite things..butterflys and flowers.
Sometimes when my mind is seeking new planes to discover I think that butterflys are souls spending their last time in this world floating about in the wind, going from flower to flower, living carefree and happy before the souls are called to a higher plane (insert your own religous beliefs here)....even if my senseless wondering is flawed...I still like what butterflys and freedom!
I was in a position to get caught up once again, but the hotel we stayed in over the weekend had wifi that timed out..I got timed out about three pictures into this and didn't know it...Ruby has already gotten pissed at me for not going to bed when she wanted and now is laying at my feet sulking.
It is with great sadness that we leave the Twin Cities because it represents our last opportunity to see family and friends until we get really has been fun seeing everyone and for all of you that gave your time, companionship, friendship and love, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and will not ever forget what you have given me, means.
An agreement that was made with each of you was that we would not let as much time pass before we talk or see each other again...let's make sure that we never go backwards.... at our age we have to keep moving forward...I love you all... each of you having to help shape me into the man that I am today.
I like the man I am today!


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