Sunday, April 15, 2012

Before today I had only seen the Grand Canyon from 5 miles up either coming into or going out of Southern California.  It's hard to believe that of the many years I've lived in California that I had never driven the 400 miles to get here...what a fool!

After having spent the better part of 8 hours driving,walking or hiking the Southern Rim I must say that the Canyon is breathtakingly truly is one of the most amazing wonders in the world!

Those people who don't believe in God or any God or choose to believe that there isn't a higher spiritual power,should be brought to this most beautiful,majestic,powerful and awe inspiring place in the world,for surely they would have to reconsider their concept of life and even the concept of death.  Nothing this stunning could not have been created without a higher hand.

Today was an eventful day for Ruby as she got some much needed adoration from many,many people.  She's like a heroin addict when it comes a way I guess we all are,aren't we?  I think that she had her picture taken almost as much as the Canyon itself!  She also got her first romp in the snow,most of it she ate.  She was really thrilled by it and the entire puppy routine was on full display most of the day!

I'm hoping that she will settle into a routine here shortly...she has been really stressing with all the changes that began occurring when I started to pack,continued well into our actual departure and continued last night when she got scared and woke me up at 12:30 and again at 4:45 for a pee break.  Poor baby!

The first adjustment in our very loosely planned trip will occur tomorrow as we will be making a side trip to our friendly Jeep dealer in Flagstaff.  Outside of Kingman a truck threw up a rock hitting the windshield, it was a hard hit but I couldn't see a mark in the the time we got to the Canyon we had a 2 foot crack in the glass and it's continuing to spread it's way toward the mirror.

I'm sorry that I'm too tired to post pictures but with Ruby's nocturnal habits, sleep is becoming a sought after commodity (at least for me)!

1 comment:

  1. Clay, jealosy abounds. Where can I meet up with ya? I've done the U.S. twice, but both times with wife and two kids. You are in for real treat.

    So, first tip is Tombstone. Go stand in the OK Corral. But the don't miss it tip is Carlsbad Caverns. Has always stood out as a highlight. Stay through dusk to see the bats swarm out. Yuk.

    On personal note, keep appreciating God's handywork. It is everywhere.

    Lawyer and Salmon Slayer Mike.
