Friday, April 13, 2012 and the Rubes are finally ready to go!  We are only 2 days behind scheduale,who would have known that there was so much to do to get ready to leave for a couple of months!
Ruby and I intend to travel accross this beautiful country of ours to visit friends,see the stunning sites and more importantly get to know the people of our nation.
We hope that you will follow our progress and let us know if you have any sites that we should be taking in and give us insight into your thoughts and feelings as we cover the many miles ahead of us.
I'll try to update daily but we will be limited to areas with wifi coverage (guess I'll be drinking a lot of coffee!).

I'd like to thank the many people that have played a part in making all this mom and dad for their love and unwavering children for their love and the meaning that they have given to my life.. all of my relatives for showing me how to continue with life regardless of the heartbreak that we all my therapist for putting Humpty Dumpty back together after a life shattering year and to my friend,muse and importantly one of the most down to earth and lovely women that I have ever met.

P.S  Thank you Mike for your kindness in helping to bring me into the 21st century

Talk with you all soon!!

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