Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hopefully we will be able to keep this progress map going!

What a perfect car for the beginning of our leg on Route 66

What I-40 has done to Route 66

I forgot how beautiful the high desert is after a storm

Pretty self explanatory
Ruby exploring the desert next to Route 66

First smells of the Colorado River

Come on Clay...lets get jet ski's

Can't keep a Lab out of the water...the 1st of what I expect will be many wet dogs in the back seat

Still in California

We're not in California anymore

Hey Chandler...I've got a bunch of beauty shots of the car..gotta tell you all,no bs.  This is a great car.  I might still have some sponsorship opportunities left!  Chris think of the possibilities! 
The end of our 1st day...351 miles covered..followed the storm all the way from L.A...snowed in Kingman this morning..tried to get a reservation at the Grand Canyon for tomorrow..was told that it's still snowing there and they wouldn't take my money if the roads aren't open...maybe Sedona then!!


  1. Look at this post!!! Blogging like a pro. You've just dipped your toe in the water of your trip. Have fun!

  2. Hola. When our family moved from New York we came via Route 66. It was an amazing trip. I know it will be for you....Love the map! Elia
