Monday, April 30, 2012

Well a little late today...I'll be caught up in the morning..promise!
If you look at a map, you might wonder to yourself...Savannah is only 150 miles from St. Augustine, why on earth is this, a late post, whats that like 2 hours of driving?  Taking I-95 directly, yes.  But by now you know that we rarely take the most direct route...we went way out of the way, way out!
This was the Parks Services greeting for visitors going into the old and I mean old Spanish fort in St. Augustine.  The fort is a national monument, built in 1565 (not a typo), it's old!  St. Augustine is the oldest settlement in the U.S founded by Ponce De Leon.  I honestly didn't remember this, I kept thinking it was the Pilgrams or the guys in Jamestown!
What is it with all the pirates at these east coast tourist spots...they are everywhere!
The kneeling pirates name is Steve, the other guy didn't say a word.  Steve was very informative on a number of topics...I kept thinking this guy must be from Texas.
It's National Parks week with FREE admission to all parks, nationally!
The Rangers (who took this picture) convinced me to write to write this. 

And now you know why I agreed to write it...they were hysterical!  They giggled the entire time we were there (thank you Ruby).  I never got their names...they couldn't speak! Did I mention that they were maybe, 21-22 years old...but they were really adorable..the blond reminded me of a girl I knew in high school..Andy Brilowski.

Meet Cary...she loved the Rubes.  She was very helpful, helping us on what to see in the shortest amount of time. It was a sizzlying hot 87.  Rubys not happy with me when I drag her out walking in the heat.

Ive been searching so long....

This church was built in 1820...STUNNING...
It's in the small town of St. Marys, the second oldest settlement in Georgia (after Savannah)...a long way from the freeway!  St. Marys is at the head of the inlet that goes to Cumberland Island, our original plan. Cumberland Island is the one that I saw on either Discovery or the Disney Channel that has wild horses on it...really!
The only accesss is by boat.  We missed the last one by an hour.

With all of the damn bridges (must have crossed 30 or 40 like this) in the South...theres gotta be some money left to fix the freeways in California.  They were the worst we've been on...something is wrong.

Ahhhh! The Ocean!...the Atlantic this time...I still like the Pacific the best!

Ft. Frederica was attacked by the Spanish...the Spanish lost.
Nicely excavated town.
I like history

Like there being a lot of bridges, there are lot of beautful churches.

She used to sleep in a crate

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