Tuesday, May 1, 2012

First of all I would like to thank my son-in law...Mike Parkyn for helping me learn how to put a blog together.  Mike was extremely patient with me for a number of days before I left Orange County and then for about 5 days into the trip (I think it was Roswell) before I could actually do this by myself...poor guy was on the on the phone with me every night walking me through the process...I'm not a techie!
Thank you Mike!
Something I forgot to mention yesterday was that this guy in St. Augustine, walking with his girlfriend, wearing a wife beater shirt and John Deer hat passed us on the street and scowled in what I interpreted as a derogatory remark "Mr. Trojan man".  Remember the pirate picture and the shirt I was wearing?
This building was originally a cotton warehouse.  Savannah rose to be a finanacial powerhouse as the port was used as the end point for cotton.  Most cotton in the south was shipped to Savannah by rail for shipment to Europe.
This building is now a bar...everything on the warefront is a bar.  Savannah hosts the second largest St. Patrick's Day blowout in the country, right behind Chicago's  

Have I mentioned how Ruby hates to be hot (she does wear a double fur coat).  Almost every square in Savannah has a fountain and Ruby was seriously contemplating going for a swim in this one.

The buildings, churches and private homes are a site to behold.  I was in Savannah about 25 years ago, but don't remember much of the city.  You see the 3 times I was here before, 2 times I was drunk out of my mind, the third time my son Colin developed pnumonia on the way from Atlanta, was running a very high fever (he was hallucinating on the way back to Atlanta)  Suffice it to say that trip was done in a hurry.  This was my first opportunity to see Savannah through clear and unrushed eyes.
Thank god I've stopped drinking!

Meet Willy.  I think that Willy was trying to pick me up!  He  was born in Salinas and moved to Savannah 25 years ago, with his roomate of ...25 years.  His roomate was stationed at Ft. Ord. when they met.  I was also talking to the maintenance man at our hotel and discovered that he was a native Californian as well born in Westchester.  His dad worked for Hughes and moved here in '92.  Lots of people so far on this trip from California.
Back to Willy...he wanted me to sit on his blanket with him while the dogs played...I respectively declined...notice his dog Coco sitting on his back, her only trick!  I wonder what else Willy has had on his back!

I just thought this shot represented well the working mans section of old Savannah

Once again Ruby displays no respect for the dearly departed.  This was the grave of some guy who died in a duel.  I've got a picture of the historical marker if anyone would like to see it in private....Ladies?
At least she didn't pee in this graveyard.

I told you I like old churches.  This one was built in the 1850's.  I loved the intricate work done on this one.  It seems like every religion in town tried to outdue the other.  It must have been good for the construction trade.

At the right time of the year Savannah is ablaze in color as the azaleas seemingly bloom at the same time.  We missed it by a month.  Couldn't resist this shot of the only azaleas blooming.  Also notice the spainish moss hanging from the oak trees.  Now this is the South...btw Ruby loves to attack spainish moss whenever she sees it!
In Texas they call small oak trees "trophy oaks".  The oaks in Savannah must be Academy Award trees..they are really old realy big and really beautiful!

After much searching we finally found (I think) the spot where the bus scenes in " Forest Gump" were filmed.
I'm told that the bench never existed and was simply a movie prop...that prop is now in the Georgia Museum of History..the city also re-routed traffic to accommodate the movie by changing the direction that the buses came to the stop.  It's a one way street going the opposite way!

"I'm hot, I'm tired and I want my bed and my air conditioning"
Ruby after running ahead of me to get to the room!
Today it's off to South Carolina

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