Sunday, May 20, 2012

Yesterday we drove from Cleveland to Detroit.  Not having made that drive in a long, long time I was thinking that it was a 5 hour only took 3 1/2 hours!  Sweeeet!
We came to Detroit because I have many friends here from the times that I have lived here.  The 1st time was when my dad was working for Chrysler and I lived here for 10 years...from 6th grade to my sophmore year of college (I went to Western Michigan in Kalamazoo)...then in the mid 80's I was transferred here while working for Chrysler for a period of 9 months...the 3rd and final time I was transferred back after 3 years in Atlanta...again for 3 years.
While I love my friends that still live here dearly, I couldn't live here's way too cold and dreary in the winter for my taste.  In the Spring and Summer it really is a pretty place...the fall isn't so bad either.
But the only way I'll come to Detroit now is if I have a 2 way ticket to get out and home to Orange County!

Wouldn't you know it..we stayed at a Days Inn in Menton, Ohio Friday night,  left yesterday and on the way to get gas saw a sign pointing the direction to the home of James Garfield..20th President of the United States...had to go see it!  I don't know why I do the things that I do!
Anyway Garfield was the second President to be assassinated while in office..he also held office for the 2nd shortest period of time...200 days.
Oh well, once again not many stops to be had while on the damn toll roads...if you've been reading this I'll spare you my rant on that subject!

Our only planned stop of the day was the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland...with a single purpose in mind...not to see the exhibits (which I understand are impressive), but rather to protest the fact that Jan and Dean are not in the Hall.
I personally think that it's bullshit that the pioneers of California surf music have been ignored by the assholes responsible for the nominations...for christs sake the Beach Boys used to be their backup band!  They hosted in the mid 60s a show called "The Tamys".  Do yourself a favor, if you like early rock and roll and buy the DVD.
At the show were about 15 of the top acts and up and coming bands of the time...James Brown put on what I think was the most electrifing set of anybody that I have seen in rock...anybody!  He was followed by a little known band out of England making their 1st tour of the U.S....The Rolling Stones...Mick was pissed off because he knew that their was no way that they could come close to matching the energy of James Brown's set ( we all know by now that Mick doesn't like to be upstaged).
I digress...the point is that Jan and Dean where so big at the time that they were chosen to host all of these other groups that now have their own place in the's wrong!  Just plain wrong!!!
I'm pissed, really pissed!

By now you know the posers in this the way the reason Ruby's tongue is hanging out so far is that it was 90 degrees..Dean Torrence (Dean of Jan and Dean), is a very good friend of mine and one of the nicest, most unassuming gentleman that I know.  He is very humble and if you were to meet him have no idea that he was the biggest thing in music, anywhere in the world in the early 60s..a couple of the songs that Dean wrote are "Little Old Lady From Pasadena"..go granny, go granny, go go go!  As well as "Surf City" and many, many more.
Hell...Dean taught Brian Wilson how to put together a song!
Dean I also want to apologize for the intent was heartfelt even though the execution left much to be desired! 

Dean and Susan Torrence have always kind to me in many ways.  Whenever I go out of town (without the Rubes) they and their lovely daughters are nice enough to dogsit her for me...they have a 6 year old Lab (male) that is the love of Ruby's life!
I think that her happiest days are spent with the Torrence's!
Dean and Susan...Ruby insisted that I take this picture and insisted that you show it to Barkley...and you know how insistent she can be.
As a side note about 15 people came up to me while we were doing this and said that they couldn't believe that Jan and Dean weren't inside the big pyramid...they always thought that you were!
Dean I want you to know that I left the poster...maybe someone inside will get the hint!

Once again Ruby doing what Ruby does best...spreading her own special brand of joy and happiness to everyone who meets her...she is a smile machine!

I got these terrific kids to pose with her...Ruby had to be the star however and be front and center...she thinks that her left side is her most photogenic!

The new Cleveland Stadium, which is next store to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame right on the shore of Lake Erie.
I included this, not because I'm a Browns fan but because of something that I did many years ago.  You see this stadium is built on the site of the former Municipal Stadium.
In 1974 I was back in Detroit visiting when we found out about a concert that was going to held in Cleveland...being young and unstopple I went to the concert with a buch of friends...sleeping in front of the stadium the night before to make sure we got good seats...this was the last time I was in Cleveland!
We did this because of the bands that were playing...remember this wasn't long after Woodstock and at a time when the Viet Nam War was finally winding down.
The show started with Jesse Colin Young followed by Santana (who were just gaining recognition), The Band...very big then and the headliners...Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young...The show turned out to be everything that we anticipated and more!
When CSN&Y got to their encore Neil Young stepped to the mic and said "what song do you want to hear" and then and I'm getting chills all over again writing this...the stadium in unison erupted..OHIO!
You see the murder committed by the National Guard at Kent State of the student anti-war protesters had happened about a year and a half before and was still very fresh in every ones minds.
Kent State is about 30 miles from Cleveland.
I'll remember that moment until my dying day.

Stopped in Toledo after remembering that Klinger of M.A.S.H fame was from Toledo.  He always remininced about how much he missed these great hot dogs from his home town...had to try them but couldn't remember the name of the place, much less know where it was.
While paying my toll at the toll booth I asked the lady where Klingers hot dog place was...again I encountered a very nice and helpful person!  She gave me the name of Tony Paco's and precise directions.
The hot dogs were amazing....everything Klinger said they would be!
I felt however that I should have been dressed in drag to even enter this haven of hot dog heaven!
(you have to be a M.A.S.H fan to understand that reference)!

My hosts and long time friends...Roger and Susan Ulmer..on the right...and friends Laurie (Russell) and her husband Bruce Benson.  I went to high school with Roger and Laurie and as you can see we had a wonderful meal together and spent a lot of time reminicing about the past on a beautiful (almost summer like evening).
Roger along with Bill and a few more that you will meet in this space soon, formed the group of guys that were my best friends throughout high school and continuing on today.
Roger was my teamate on the football team, roomate for 2 years at Western and a person that I truly admire...Roger changed careers and went back to college...15 years after graduating from Western to get a degree in engineering, a career that was nearer and dearer to his heart!  It takes big, big, balls to make the decesion that you aren't happy doing what you are doing in life and then steeping to the plate and making your career and your life into what you want it to be!
I'm thankful for Roger being my friend.
Thats it.  It's too nice of a day here to sit here typing.  Gotta enjoy the weather while we can!
Follow Roger's example...if you aren't happy with your life, grow a pair and make the change.
We are the only one's that are responsible for insuring our own happiness.  Life is too short.

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