Friday, May 18, 2012

Bad map...we actually are in Herkimer, N.Y., almost to Utica.   Thus far we have traveled in excess of 8000 miles!  Thats a lot of wheel time!
Today we are going to try to make it to Cleveland (the mistake by the lake)!  It will be all interstate, the rest of the way to Detroit, where we would like to be tomorrow.
Yesterday we traversed some amazingly gorgous areas..we took hwy 2 from Wilton, Maine to Burlington Vermont. We crossed Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and ended the day in central New York...about 20 miles from Herkimer is Cooperstown...we'll have to skip it in the interest of time..what a shame!
Back to hwy 2...this is another area that everyone should see during their lifetime.  It would be spectacular in the fall, but the crowds may be to much to bear...nobody is on this lengthy highway in the Spring and while it may not have reds and oranges of the fall, the greens, yellows and Spring flowers more than made up for that!
I had the thought that it is appropriate that I'm making this trip in the Spring..the season of rebirth, of newness, of growth..not unlike the things that are happening in my life and to me internally.  I believe that I am undergoing a rebirth..rather than a mid-life crisis...I've already been through that!

The waterfall in Rumford Falls, Maine...another advantage of traversing this area in the Spring..the melting snow from the mountains creates massive amounts of water that is crashing thru every stream and river...stunning!  While I've spent a lot of time on this blog raving about the beauty of the oceans we have seen, gotta tell you that the streams and rivers rushing toward their ultimate destination in the oceans are a thing to behold!

The only covered bridge that I even came close to encountering in New England.  I know, I know they are everywhere! We just couldn't find them.  This one was in western Maine and was built in the 1872 and obviously not in use anymore.

Eastern New Hampshire is something to special!  Mountains, hills and the differing shades of green.  Even snow still on the I have come to understand, this is a huge ski area.  These mountains are part of what is known as the Presidential Range...Mts. Madison, Jefferson and Washington.  Mt Washington is the highest in the Northeast at 6288 ft.  In 1934 it also had the highest clocked wind at 231 mph...on a side note note we visited 2 of the 3 homes of these esteemed men...another example of the symatrey we have been encountering throughout our tour of America...just had a flashback to the U2 song..."in the arms of America".

Logging is a big part of the economy here.  These trucks are everywhere!
The drivers to say the least are very aggressive drivers...I can't remember a time when any of these trucks held us up...they haul well as wood!

In Vermont now..
This is one of Ben and Jerry's workers on break!  Obviously union!

Meet from left to right..Tom, Frank and Neville.  This was shot on the shore of Lake Champlain, a monstrous and beautiful lake in upstate Vermont, just miles from Montreal,( fuck Canadian customs)...after yesterdays drive I'm glad that they didn't let me in..I would have missed all of this!.  The lake is so big that you have to take a ferry across to get to New York on the other side.  There are many ferry's that cross the lake..but only a few run during the off season (the season begins Memorial Weekend).  Initially we went to one of the ferry's that wasn't operating just yet.
These kind gentleman and I mean that with the highest degree of respect,were discussing the purchase of Frank's boat slip to Tom...his slip was at the harbor where one of the non-operating ferry's was located.
They were kind to correct us and to send us back 20 miles to a ferry that was in service.
Notice the blue sky's and t-shirts, it was 70 degrees at the lake...very refreshing after having spent 9 days in New England and only seeing the sun twice!
Once again notice the symatrey of this situation..Lake Champlain was discovered by...Champlain...the same Frenchman that discovered Frenchmans Bay off of Bar Harbor (Baa Habaa),  off the coast off Maine in 1604!

The ferry coming in to take us to New York.

There are many homes (fishing camps) built right over these rivers...these people could drop a line out of the kitchen window and catch dinner!

The New York side of Lake Champlain. Rolling hills, mountains in the distance and farms along the lake.  Lake Placid is about 20 miles from of the 1980 winter Olympics..which was the site of probably the most incredible moment in American sport..the U.S. hockey team defeating the previously unbeatable Russian team for the gold medal.  Frank shown in an earlier photo was at the game!

Ruby woke up from her Spring nap to enjoy the ferry ride...she always enjoys the ferry rides and we have been on quite a few...the water dog that she is.
Time to go...many miles to go today before we sleep!

Keep smiling!
(sorry about the spelling, as usual I'm in a rush to get on the road again, on the road again).  Willy Nelson for you neophytes!

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