Monday, May 14, 2012

Our wonderful hosts....THE CRAWFORD's!
This morning was the 1st time that I could get them all together for a picture!
They are an extremely busy family and it was tough getting them all together...Thursday was Bill and Misty's 27th wedding anniversary, which they were kind enough to share with me.  Bill reminded me that, that was the same date that he had proposed to Misty at our house in Corona, many, many years ago.  I told him then that she was the best woman that he had ever known and that he better grab her before she was he proposed!
Amy is a beautiful 22 year old woman who works with challenged individuals,  she finds it very rewarding but I kept telling her she really should be a model (anybody out there have connections into modeling)?  She is sweet and has an air of innocence about her that I think is a direct result of her upbringing by her parents as well as growing up in the unassuming air that exists here in Portland.
Very refreshing young woman.

It was so nice again yesterday that the butterflys were out in mass.  When I took this picture there probably were about a hundred flitting about me!  They were feeding on the wild blueberry bushes that cover the Crawford's property.

The eye of God?

As I mentioned there were alot of butterflys working and doing what butterflys this another butterfly singles bar?

These are Ladyslippers and because they are not as abundant as in the past, it is against the law to pick them!

Ruby really needed our time here.  She needed exercise, people (other than me),  dogs and lots of interesting things to smell...she got all of that and more!
The Crawfords were very kind welcoming her into their family.
I hope she gets in the car with me when we leave...she loves it here!
Btw this was the 1st time she has run through seeding dandylions and she was fascinated by the way they flew up as she ran through them.

Last nights sunset...I love sunsets!
Now off to points north..we are going to be going through some very remote areas and I'm not sure that communications are going to be that great...if I miss a couple of posts it will be because of the lack of wifi.
If thats the case I'll catch you up when it's possible.
Have a wonderful day!!!

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