Saturday, May 12, 2012

By looking at the map, it looks like we are almost half way through our  wonderful tour of America.  On Monday Ruby and I will be heading north for a couple of days exploring the Maine coast...I've never been to Maine before and have heard so much about it's beauty and charm and it is seems like a very nice place to live and to raise a family.  Only one thing that I would have a hard time with and that's the COLD!
After 6 straight days of rain and cold temperatures,  today is glorious!  Clear sky's and temps approaching 70!  Yaaaaa!
Since living in California I have forgotten how much you actually appreciate a great day, rather than taking them for granted as we seem to do in California.  Bill is pushing me to get this done's supposed to rain again tomorrow, so we have to get out quickly so that we can enjoy the day!!

The Rubes and I (duh..she has to have a chauffeur) were on our way to see to see Bill at work..about 35 miles from their home, when we came accross this beautiful field of dandelions.  In this picture you can see that Spring is just now arriving in Maine...more on that later!

Ruby visiting Bill at work...he runs a mulch company and I have to tell you that it is not as easy as it sounds...he has to get the wood in the fall and winter, turn it into mulch and then sell it during about a 5 week window in the Spring, all the while making sure that he has trucks available to make deliveries.  I have a hard time comprehending how he handles what is certainly a complex business with cash flow issues that I can't even begin to understand  My hats off to Bill for learning this business and turning into a profitable and vibrant business!

Bill and Misty's front yard!  It is stunning! With a beautiful home that I don't think many people in California could touch!  As mentioned previously the cost of living is remarkable!

Their backyard...over 5 acres of woodlands, complete with deer and a vast selection of other types of wildlife.
I'm convinced (once again) that Ruby would prefer a cooler climate with lots of woods for her to smell.
She may not come home with me!

Misty does a phenominal job with their home, it is decorated beautifully, the yard is perfect and Misty doesn't mind getting her hands dirty...but a riding lawn mower...oh ya ..they have a huge amount of property!

Bill washing his car while Misty was cutting the grass..when you don't have nice days all the time , you have to make sure that you maximize them when they come this time of year.

LL Beans world headquarters in Freeport.  The retail store was as big as Nordstroms at South Coast Plaza...HUGE!

Figured I needed some warmer clothes (didn't pack right) so we went into LL Bean to get some...this is Mike who helped me find my stuff (amazing customer service)!  So good in fact that Mike convinced me that I needed new hiking boots!
Guess who's breaking in a new pair of hiking boots...right now?

This was shot while this program was on TV last night.  It's called 207...the zip code here..hell it's the only zip code in Maine!  How many are there in Orange County...4?, 5?  Anyway part of the show is devoted to local talent....didn't catch this performers name but I believe that we will be seeing her on the Leno show soon!  She really reminded me of Tiny Tim or Vannila Ice!
Amy (Bill and Misty's daughter ) was heading out on a date, paused to watch this woman and said "boy Clay your really lucky, this is the worst one yet"...we have had pretty good luck on this trip...Knock On Wood!

Ruby doing what she loves to do...RUN.  Poor baby I have to get her more excercise.  I'm starting to feel bad.  Maybe we'll have to change up our schedual so she gets more play, less sleep!
Have a great day and don't forget that tomorrow is Mothers Day...there's still time!

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