Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My apologizes, I was working on this this this morning, down to the last two photos when I lost it all!
Therefore, this version will be much shorter than the one I lost...6810 miles traveled since leaving CDM.  We had time to make up and did so yesterday, going from Dover to Boston.

One of the few diversions we took.
Couldn't miss the Lady of Liberty...even though I had never seen her from this angle.  It was taken from New Jersey

A rare Clay alone picture..we tried to get Ruby to participate, but was to busy wrestling at my feet with with Ted's (he took the picture) dog!
To say the least it was blustery on the water...Ruby happy!  Clay not so much:(

Ellis Island foreground, Manhatten skyline in the background.  God I love New York, just not driving.
I believe that the building on the left is the new World Trade Center..to me it shows the resiliance of the American people to take adversity in stride and continue on with life.
I'll never forget when Courtney (my daughter) and I went to New York 3 weeks after 9/11 to support the city but importantly the people.
We went to ground zero (or at least as close as we could get)...very sad...something that I will carry with me the rest of my life...the smell
My grandparents came to this country through Ellis Island.  They met while working at the Wadorf Astoria hotel.  He as a chief, she as a maid.  They moved to L.A. in the early 1920's and started a successful tile business that did most of the tile work for most buildings on Wilshire Blvd.  He also did the iconic tile mosiacs that still exist in a few terminals at LAX.
If you've seen the opening sequence of "Jackie Brown" you've seen my grandfathers work.
I miss them both

This is Ted...dogs still wrestling at his feet 

Mystic, Conn. from a scenic overlook off of I-95.  Mystic looks beautiful and would bear more time exploring if we had it!

This church sits on a very prominent hill in Providence, Rhode Island.  It's interesting that more often than not the churches are the most elaborate structures in any town.  My parents always told me not to talk about politics or religion with people you don't know well...while I know most of you well...not all, so no religious discourse! 

The state capital of Rhode Island

Found this tree at a rest stop...it smelled beautiful!  Almost like Jasmine.  A big prize if anyone can tell me the name of this tree/bush

The reason we came to this country...freedom...the chance to become as  great as you want to be...hard work rewarded...have we become a country that believes hard work doesn't matter anymore and that those that have should support those that don't care to improve themselves or their families future. Have we stopped striving for greatness?
I hope not

1 comment:

  1. I'm going with Autumn Olive for my guess at the name of the tree/bush
