Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Well...after leaving Bill and Misty's in Portland we progressed up the Maine coast to Ellsworth, Maine.  We had one minor hiccup that occured at home that turned out to be a wonderful hiccup.  This situation caused me to visit places that we otherwise wouldn't have stopped at, in a couple of towns along our way...suffice it to say, we met some of the nicest people that went way out of their way to help us..they were amazing!

The harbor at Boothbay...I was suprised that they run charters out of here targeting Blue Fin Tuna...mmmmm.... Toro!

I thought that this scene was amazing with the beautiful church overlooking the bay.  The thing I really liked however were the shades of green of the trees on the hill.  Once again I've found that one of the things I miss about living in  cold weather is Spring (not that much to leave California however)!  Everyone talks about how you should visit New England in the Fall...this picture makes a case (at least in my mind that Spring in New England is beautiful) and signals the rebirth of life after the long, cold Winter.  As we continue to head north we are starting to get into areas where Spring is just beginning
As we've discovered...Lobsters are everywhere...notice the sign on the red building. 

Canadian Geese landing at Cuckolds Lighthouse that is located just offshore from Southpoint..I had a picture of the lighthouse but just lost it..told you that I'm a tech neophyte.  The lighthouse is called "Cuckolds Fog and Signal Station"...I'd love to know how it got that name...my mind goes to unusual places when I think about stuff like that!
Anyway, this shot was included only because Ruby was on the edge of the dock ready to jump in and go get them...remember the squirrel at the Lost Colony?
Had to grab her by the leash and pull her back from the cold, icy water! 

This is very typical of the area that comprises the Maine coastline...charming small town after charming small town...it really is a special place this place known as Maine!

We visited the town of Thomaston and stumbled on some really cool stuff.  This house was located on Knox street, a street that is listed on the National Registry as a national treasure.  Every house on this street was white..huge and built in the early 1800's.  They were located about 3 blocks from the harbor...every town is built on a harbor.

Thomaston's harbor...again notice the varying shades of green on the hillside.

A bad shot of General Knox's final home..who is Gen. Knox you ask?  Is he the guy that the street in the previous picture was named after?  I didn't know either but he seemed like a big shot in this area...little did I know, he was a big shot throughout the country during the Revolutionary War and later...google him to find out more.
After checking him out it really put into perspective many of the sites we have visited...he was the artillery commander at Bunker Hill, Concord, Cambridge and Yorktown.  He was Washington's go to guy when he needed to blow up the British.  He also was the second Secretary of Defense in the nations young history.
In addition he was the 1st advocate for Native American sovereignity (remember the Navajo's in Arizona).
He died pretty sadly.  At 56 he got a chicken bone stuck in his throat and died 3 days later from the resulting infection.  Not a glorious exit for such a distinguished man.
This General is the link to a myriad of topics we have encounter thus far...glad we stopped!

Once again it's cool and raining..one of the few weather related topics Ruby and I seem to agree upon...we both love it!
Today we are continuing east then north.  Tomorrow, Canada if they'll have us!
Enjoy your day and call someone today that you have been thinking about calling, but have been putting off.
It will make you feel good!! 

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