Monday, May 7, 2012

What a FUN day we had yesterday!
The day started off in Manassas, Va. and concluded with our stay in a very nice Hampton Inn in Dover, Delaware.  In between we saw some really cool stuff, some new, some being re-visited.  We have now added Delaware, Maryland and the District of Columbia to Ruby's ongoing bag full of was an action filled day!

Our 1st stop was at the Civil War battlefield called Manassas, but probably best known as Bull Run.  There were 2 "Battles of Manassas", 14 months apart.  The 1st one was the one we concentrated on.  It occured right after Ft Sumter, the 1st battle between the North and the South.  It was fought with totally inexperenced soldiers on both sides with both sides figuring that the winner would win the war...obviously not true.
There was a great deal of anticipation on both fact people from D.C. traveled the 30 miles to watch the "spectical" unfold, much like going to see a sporting event!  This area of the battlefield was the focal point of the encounter.  These cannons represent the hill from which the Union army tried to command the lower area around them.
Sparing you the details Stonewall Jackson overcame great adversity to rally his troops to an overwhelming victory (there's that name again)!  Stonewall sent the Union solders fleeing in disaray back to D.C.
Also of import was the death of the 1st civilian of the war, in the house shown here was where she lived.  The house was hit by Union cannon fire.  She is buried on the other side of the house.
A fact I kept struggling with was the close proximity of the two capitals...D.C. and Richmond...not more than 40 miles apart.  These two massive armies operated in a very small area, probably not bigger than the size of Orange County!

Once again Ruby proves that she will pose with anyone...except me!
The Parks Service had about 10 of these "soldiers" present to answer questions and show visitors the life of the common soldier.  These 4 were kind enough to pose with us.  The guy that took the picture, shot 5 pictures...believe it or not this was the best one!

We then moved to D.C. specifically the mall.  Sunday proved to be the perfect day to attempt this...very little traffic and fewer people...YAAA!
Once again Ruby refused to pose (damn alpha female)!  This photo was taken at the Washington Memorial...duh!
I wore the USC shirt to see if I could bait some Virginia Tech fans into an argument (they, for the most part are arrogant assholes)...I guess that they probably say the same about us!
Anyway no one took the bait...too bad!

Up until this point every National Parks Service employee that we encountered had been absolutly steller...until Lincoln.  Ruby and I walked into the memorial to get a picture.  I was immediatly "greeted" by a Parks Service guy who informed me that dogs aren't allowed in.  I asked him if I could get one picture then we would leave..he said no, get out immediatly..I took the picture anyhow as he pulled out his ticket book and he said that he was going to write me a citation...I told him to pound sand (not the actual words used) and turned and left...what a tool!

The Vietnam Memorial means alot to me.  Probably because it occured while I was growing up and I remember vividly the tension and turmoil that existed in this country during that time.  A very interesting period in our country's history.  I'm glad that I lived and experienced our country during that time..also glad that I didn't get drafted.
As far as I know I don't know anyone listed on the wall...but I know many people who have friends and loved ones here.

Nothing touristy about this shot, just thousands of people completing a breast cancer walk...I loved the looks of joy on the faces of the "walkers"!

We then shot up to Baltimore (everything is so close here, unlike California) hoping to see Edgar Allen Poe stuff.  I used nav to find the home  (I know, hard to believe).  I was directed to a tenement, built about 30 years ago..this clearly wasn't it.  While looking at the nav I noticed that Babe Ruth's birthplace was about 3 blocks we went!
Clearly if I ever come back to Baltimore I won't be there looking for the Babe's house!

Another great shot of me and the Rubes.  I've learned that I have to hold my squirming little buddy now to get the rememberance.  This was taken in front of E.A. Poes grave (in the background).  The graveyard is closed on the weekends...who would have known!
There are many, many famous people buried here...most of them I had never heard of before...except for Francis Scott Keys.

Dogwoods in D.C.
The 1st  (I think)  I've seen since we lived in Atlanta 25 years ago.
Not sure where we are going today but rest assured it will be north...can't wait to get to Maine!

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