Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Well by looking at the map it looks like we are at the same latitude (or is it longitude, I always confuse the two)...I guess unlike the spelling of M-i-s-s-i-s-s-i-p-p-i (when I was paying attention!) in school...apparently I wasn't with that longitude stuff, (probably thinking about girls!)
We have now entered North Carolina meaning that we find South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama,  Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah,  Arizona and California in the rearview mirror.
Everybody here in the south is amazed by the's been HOT!  Temperature are running 15 degrees above normal with 70% humidity...It's killing my trusted companion and for a guy who upon leaving Michigan  stated that he would never, ever complain about being too hot but would complain greatly about being too cold, I'm getting close to breaking my vow.  Here they call it a Bermuda high, as opposed to Santa Ana's.  It should be interesting when we get to the point where the heat ends and we move into cooler weather!
We kinda zipped through South Carolina basically because I've had two business meetings there and neither left a good impression on me...I got beat up pretty good by my fellow dealers because I wasn't making enough money at the dealership...I hate Hilton Head (skipped it) went to Beaufort (never been) and Charleston (one of the places I got crunched).  After Charleston, I elected to head north...the heat and Ruby's comfort in it has been a factor..
I have to say that upon leaving Savannah and entering South Carolina,  I've never seen so many strip places in one place in the middle of nowhere.  They weren't open yet (thank god )!  I think I've (no, I know) been gone to long...I miss having a woman in my life. 

We stopped at the Savannah National Wildlife Preserve just outside of Savannah (but in South Carolina, after the strip joints).  This stop came about after a conversation with the maintance man at the hotel we stayed at in Savannah, he highly recommended the preserve and as you must know by now we always react to recommendations of the locals.  To me it was the highlight of the day, other than getting the hell out of South Carolina!
Suffice it to say it was breathtaking (different breathtaking than at the Grand Canyon or Monument Valley), but none the less stunning!
Of course flowers were prevalent over the entire preserve but I really liked these water lily's

The first gator that we've seen since being in the south.  Ruby wanted to get out but I wouldn't let her...she doesn't get pissed off often but she was pissed and let me know about it!
About 3 minutes after I took this picture we were driving down the dirt road when a 6ft. allagator ran in front of the Jeep, going from one pond to another.  I'm still amazed at how fast it was...note to self..never try to outrun a gator!
Ruby might be in the belly of that gator today if she had been out...
I guess sometimes "Father (does) Know Best"

I thought this was beautiful!
It's a good thing that these areas have been put under the parks service..

This house is just one of the many mansions that lined the waterfront in Beaufort.
Like Savannah, Beaufort was spared by Gen. Sherman during the Civil War (as he destroyed everything in his armies path from Atlanta all the way to the outside of Savannah).  It's about a 5 hour drive from Atlanta to Savannah so Sherman jacked up a big part of Georgia.  Isn' it funny that war destroys the very things that it is really is trying to protect?

Another stunning house in Beaufort

In the background of the camera hog is Ft. Sumter...where the Cival War began.  Ft. Sumter is another of the spots that are not dog friendly.  You have to take a boat out to the fort.
We also visited a National Cemetery outside of Charleston where many of a black regiment, fighting for the Union are buried.  I wondered if these were the same solders depicted in the movie "Glory".  The movie that won Denzel Washington an Oscar...

A home that is typical of the architecture found in Charleston.
For my money I found Savannah much more charming...wonder again if it had to do with my previous experience?

This is were slaves were bought and sold after arriving from Africa.
A very good black friend of mine in Atlanta...James Jones, once told me that Charleston was to people of African descent what Ellis Island was to people of European descent.
I'll never forget that...

Ruby wondering what those big animals were...she hasn't seen many horses!
She was also wondering if they were as hot as she was!

This exit was called "Last Stop".  It was the last exit before leaving South Carolina...I guess it was also the last stop for fireworks too!
Glad to be out of South Carolina!
Today we are going to shoot over to the coast and see if we can find Cape Fear..Nick Nolte?
Then up the coast..we probably will spend a couple of days in North Carolina!
Fuck South Carolina!

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