Monday, May 28, 2012

On this day of remembrance, let us not forget those who protect our freedoms nor those that have made the ultimate sacrifice to secure our way of life.
Without those who fought on our behalf we would not be the great country that we are today.
While traveling the country, I have made it a point to try and capture those images that have instilled lasting memories in my mind and soul.
Our flag is the symbol that they have sought to protect...

This war memorial in Biloxi, Mississippi honors all of the fallen from Mississippi in every war this country has been involved in.

Our fight for freedom began here in Boston at Bunker Hill.

Our flag proudly displayed at Ft. Stockton in west Texas.

 And here in Pecos, Texas

Port Arthur, Texas

The Vietnam War Memorial in Washington D.C.
Every individual who lost their lives during this war has their name listed on this  on this wall.

Our flag can be found proudly displayed in every city, town and rural area throughout the country...we still have pride in who we are as a Savannah.

The Korean War Memorial on the Mall in Washington D.C.

This Veterans Cemetery outside Charleston, S.C. had a profoud effect on me...the deceased are buried in sections of the cemetery based upon which war they lost their lives in...from the Civil War to Afganistan.

Feeling the awe of thousand headstones arranged like men in a military formation is staggering..seeing the faces of those sons, daughters husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandfathers, grandmothers, friends and compatriots...brought tears to my eyes...
Every person left a  legacy of honor to their families and to their well as the heartbreak and grieving of those left behind.

Alive or deceased all individuals that have served to preserve our nation and our ideals, deserve our honor and thanks...not just today but everyday...they are our heroes...
Take a quiet moment today and reflect upon how their sacrifices have impacted your life and the lives of your loved ones...

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