Sunday, May 6, 2012

Doris from Ohio was also a guest (not the hourly type..duh) at the hell hole where we spent the night in Richmond Va.
Doris and Ruby were so excited in getting out of their respective rooms and into the bright, clear, clean light after a night of hell that they became instant buddies.
Ruby went into her nutty puppy routine upon meeting Doris (who was the last Doris you met in California)?  The nutty puppy routine begins with Ruby getting down low to the ground and running full speed anywhere her short little legs carry her...she just tears around running wherever her feet decide to go.  I don't think that she has any control where the legs are going to go.  Kinda like the Jeep when we get in it every morning!
Anyway the legs carried Ruby in and out, in and out, in and out of Doris' room...probably about 6 times where Doris' daughter and two teenage grandkids where trying to get the stank off of them from the night before and pack up for Virgina Beach (we spent the night there the previous night...they were going there to pick up a car for her grandson (what a nice grandmother).

Jefferson's home in Charlotteville was one of the sights I was really looking forward to!  Unfortunatly Jefferson apparentley didn't like dogs as much as he did the people working for him (if you know what I mean...he was a founding father in more ways than one, dwell on the father).
Ruby wasn't allowed on the shuttle to the grave and importantly the home.  We could have walked it (3 miles each way in the rain) for $24 and looked at everything from the outside.  After about 5 seconds I decided that maybe someday I'll come dog!
As you can see however, Ruby, once again got more of a thrill from meeting new people than she would have gotten from seeing Jefferson's stuff.  She absolutely craves human as well as dog contacts in her life.

Monroe's house, which literally was right next door to Jefferson's, but down the hill.  Jefferson's joint is at the top of a mountain.  Looking down on Monroe..Monroe was a founding father, signer of the Declaration Of Independence, third President Of The United States and author of the Monroe Doctoran.  I don't remember what that was...but I do know that it was important!
This place also didn't allow dogs, but the girl behind the desk let us inside briefly for these few pictures that we got.
Can you imagine having Jefferson staring down on you for all eternity?

The MAN....President Monroe!
I have to say that both of these guys picked really a beautiful place to live...rolling foothills, pastures, winerys (believe it or not) and the stunning Blue Ridge mountains as the backdrop...very,very peaceful place about 90 miles from D.C.

I thought that this church was very unusual.  The red roof was the 1st I've seen, anywhere!  Maybe it's like the houses built on pylons in Lousiana...There may be many more like this in the area...just haven't seen them yet!

This Lafayette guy really got around...pre Revolutionary war..Revolutionary War, Lousiana, Savannah, St. Augustine are all places we have seen something recognizing his contributions to our fledgling nation.  I've seen almost as many "Lafayette slept here signs" as "Washington slept here".  I guess maybe the French aren't so bad after all!
My theory is that Lafayette was a real ladies man, one who had ( I'm trying to be delicate here)..a woman in every town!
I guess if you lay your life on the line as much as Lafayette did, you deserve to get layed as much I imagine he did!

The perfunctory flower shot...I believe that these are wild Rhododendrons located at the Battle of Chancellorsville.  The famous Confederate General "Stonewall Jackson" was mortally wounded about 5 yards from where this photo was taken.  He was shot accidently by his own men.  Gen. Lee considered Jackson his go to guy whenever he needed something spectacular and gutsy.  He felt at this point that the chances for the Confederacy to win the war took perhaps a fatal turn with Jackson's death....the entire South mourned him as a hero.
Isn't it funny that time heals all...this area once was a bloody battlefield and now nature has retaken the landscape.  Nature forgets the ugly things that happen in life and as time moves on, heals all.
Is there anyone in your life that things have gotten ugly with?
Maybe you should take the time and step forward and begin to move toward a reconciliation with that person.  After all we are only here a short time...and within time nature will overtake us all
Don't live with regrets

This was the bloodiest battle of the Civil War with 15000 men killed and 85000 wounded (in those days many of the wounded ended up dying).  The Confederates overwhelmingly won this battle and the North was sent running all the way back to D.C. (about 80 miles).
Gen. Hooker was the Union General commanding a force twice the size of Lee's army.  After the route Lincoln summoned Hooker to Washington and fired his ass...reminds me of corporate America today..replacing him with Gen. U.S. Grant.
I guess we'll take a run at D.C. today, it's cooler, Ruby's energy is no longer being sapped, we stayed in a nice motel last night and most importantly I got my laundry done (hasn't been done since Barb and Jan helped me out when we were in Texas).  I don't have to go " commando" anymore  unless the mood strikes me.
Till next time...happy Sunday, be good human beings!

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