Wednesday, May 16, 2012

According to the map we are about as far from home as we can get!   Currently we are up in northern Maine,  in absolutly the middle of nowhere.  This is rugged country...people up here are are a rugged and hardy breed...lots of plaid shirts, hunting jackets and the ever present camouflage hats (what are they trying to be invisible to)?
They also look funny at some dude and a Lab, from California..."what the hell are they doing here?  Are they lost?  Don't they know that this isn't tourist season?"...which by the way is (in my opinion), the perfect time to be here.  When traveling from Lubec to Houlton we saw few cars or trucks going in either direction.  I started thinking again about that scene from "Deliverance" know when Ned Beatty was making barnyard sounds?
I'm a virgin in that regard and hope to never break that seal!
Today off in the rain to points north...Quebec City, crossing briefly into the Atlantic time zone before getting back into the eastern time zone.  Once again we will be driving through very sparsley populated areas, basically until we get to Quebec (if they let Ruby in).. that would be the last straw in the "No Dogs Allowed" policies that we have found so prevelent thus far! 

Yesterday we had a very busy day sightseeing starting with Acadia National Park.  Thankfully I was able to use my season long National Parks pass.  This was only the 3rd time it has been used since I bought it at the Grand Canyon!
This scene is of Frenchmans Bay off of Bar Harbor...or as they say here...Baa Haba!
It's called Frenchmans Bay because it was discovered by the great French explorer..Samuael Champlain in 1604.
The French used the islands that you see to hide and ambush British ships as they were traveling from Boston to Halifax...why does everyone pick on the British"?
This area of Main is called "downeast" because when sailing from Boston to Halifax the mariners were sailing on the prevailing Southwesterly wind with a following sea.

This view is from Cadillac Mountain in the is the highest point on the the Atlantic coast at 1400 feet!.  It was named for Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac..I mention this only because it will tie in with our next American stop...Detroit after running thru Southern Canada (we are anticipating being in Detroit this weekend) see Cadillac founded Detroit..again I'm amazed at the symatrey we have found between people and places that we have traveled!

The Rubes and I atop Cadillac Mountain (which would be a big hill in the west)...gotta tell was cold up there!
Once again this picture was taken by a very nice British couple...I like the British!

The rocky coastline that encircles Acadia.  It is very beautiful and reminded me quite a bit of the Alaskian coastline...for my money I'll take the California or Oregon coastlines any day of the week!

I initially blew passed this place (I had a truck right on my ass), turned around...couldn't resist this was dead..not a person in the place!  It's probably better in the summer.  Loved the wild blueberry theme...Did you know that 90% of all blueberries sold in this country come from Maine?  Me either.
So the next time that you are getting your anti-oxident fix, think of the people in camouflage hats, in the middle of nowhere picking them in cold and wet weather.

The infamous West Quoddy lighthouse.  They tell me that it's been used in many movies..I couldn't think of any and as Ruby and I were the only higher life forms here, had no one to ask.  We drove way, way out of the way to get here.
This lighthouse is at the Eastern most point in the U.S.  That coastline in the background is Canada..notice the blue sky's?  NICE, VERY VERY NICE!  It is located on the Bay of Fundy..which has the largest tidal swings of any area in the world!

Ruby..happy to be off the leash (remember no one was there),  is the only dog in the country to be as far east as she is...this was at about 12:30 west coast time!
Dogs Allowed!

While way out of the way I decided that we might as well take in Campobello, Delano Roosevelt summer get away.  Little did I know that it was located in Canada...didn't feel like hassling with customs just yet..we'll do that today.  By the way...what was a U.S. President doing vacationing in Canada?
Bush or Obama never would have gotten away with that...well maybe Obama!

More early settlers claiming to be the 1st colony in the U.S.  The French in this case...I'm so confused!
I'll sort all of this out when I get back to CDM.
It's interesting that we started off in the west with Cortez running around New Mexico, the French in Lousiana, the Spanish again in Florida, the British in Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia and Massachussetts..can you understand my confusion?

The eastern most dog in the country enjoying her moment of fame.
I don't know how wifi works in Canada, so until next time...
Be good humans!!

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