Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), I lost the map that was supposed to show the progress or lack thereof of todays travels...technical issues again!
I started this tonight with Ruby laying at my feet as she usually does, with a good head and neck rub (it helps her to fall asleep) when I felt a bump just under her collar....and yes it was another tick, removed successfully by Dr. James!
I had to show you a picture of the place we stayed at last night..."the Shireton Inn and Suites".  I'm going to add this one to  the bottom 5 of all places that we have stayed at.  I wasn't expecting the Montage in the well known town of Houlton, Maine (50 miles from the Great White North), but I wasn't expecting something as bad as this...yes it was a smoking room that killed my sinuses but probably destroyed Ruby's very sensitive olfactory, yes I felt compelled to sleep in the sleeping bag and yes there were multiple tractor trailers just outside of the room (many idling their engines the the entire night) and yes I barely slept.
That however didn't impact the different kind of day we had today! 

Much to my surprise John Steinbach didn't exaggerate in "Travels With Charlie" about the rich agricultural area that exists in the extreme northern area of Maine....POTATOES!  This area posseses some of the most ideal conditions for the mother of the french fry to be grown anywhere in the world!  I thought it would be wood not potatoes this far north.
Something I didn't know before was that Maine is the number 2 state in the country for potato production, after you guessed it...Idaho....WE'RE NUMBER 2...WE"RE NUMBER 2!!!!
It's all in the soil...extremely loamy...the soil looks like mulch.
If I was going to grow up to be mashed potatoes I would want to grow up here! 

Meet Rhonda Lister!
Rhonda is the General Manager of the County Quik Stop and Gulf station in Caribou, Maine.
She helped us get gas and essential supplies..potato chips (from Maine of course!), Diet Pepsi and dog cookies for Ruby before we crossed into Canada.
Rhonda is easily one of the kindest, most likable and helpful people we have met since...well I can't really think of anyone more friendly than Rhonda!  She is a sweetheart!
We had a great conversation about NASCAR ( Rhonda and her husband are big fans...he of Tony Stewart and she of Bobby Labonte)...she likes any driver that is bad...don't all women like bad boys?
She gave me great directions to the border and off we went.
By the way...her facility had the cleanest restrooms we've encountered since we met John and his facilities outside of Pennsicola.
I loved Rhonda, so if you are ever in the area stop by and say hi!
Tell her that Clay from California sent you.

Maine has a state law that prohibits billboards...I like that idea especially in a state as beautiful as Maine...or California for that matter!
We just had some thunder and Ruby's flipping out...gotta go show her.
Back, the guy at the front desk gave her a cookie so she's happy now.
Anyway my entire time in Maine I've noticed these signs diplaying the name of the businness and the distance from the main road...not nearly as intrusive as a billboard!
In addition Maine also has FULL SERVICE gas stations...I thought those went the way of the pay phone!

This is where the braintrust for Canada's Customs officers reside.  We crossed into Canada at Limestone, Maine.
Bad idea...
These guys apparently didn't have anything to do or just wanted to put the guy from California thru the paces.
My concern attempting to enter Canada were Ruby's credentials...Ruby now has concern about mine!
I  (not Ruby) was the one that these very nice but bored young men denied entry.  We were there for about 40 minutes waiting for these guys to run their checks on me apparently as part of the Canadian effort to halt the spread of international terrorism (I had a real passport).  During that time 2 cars and a tractor passed through the area...3!!!
Long story short...the young man came out to where we were waiting and asked if I had ever been in front of a judge.  I answered truthfully, as I always try to do and answered yes...I had a DUI  5 years ago so I was in front of a judge...he disappeared for 15 minutes, came outside and asked me to come into the building...I was denied entry because in Canada a DUI is a felony and felons are not allowed into Canada.  Does this apply to hockey players as well?
Soooo...Quebec and Montreal will have to wait for another day.
Ruby...gotta love that dog pissed in/on? Canada before we were asked to leave.
Upon re-entering the U.S.,  the U.S. Customs officer said that, that happens quite a bit, then whispered to me...those guys are real assholes!
Just doing the job ma'am
(I think that it was 5 years ago today that I got the DUI)!

As I've discovered (sometimes the hard way) that there inevitably is a silver lining to most situations that don't go the way you expect them to...Customs.
If we hadn't been kicked out of Canada we probably would not have seen a moose, something I was hoping for on this trip and we got this young guy (or girl)  standing by the side of the road, very nonchalantly eating...did I mention that there aren't many cars up here.  I pulled to the side of the road and he didn't budge (like Jerry Brown pandering to the public employees unions wants and outrages needs).

The Moose was having so much fun that he took off to show the oncoming cars how fast he could run!

Nothing religious intended here...I just thought my brother Curt would like this.
I guess this probably resonates with the woodsmen up here as well!

Last Moose shot for now...hope we see another soon...without  getting kicked out of another country!
We backtracked a long way today and have recalculated our route..not quite sure were we've recalculated to but thanks to my irresponsible ways 5 years ago we have...Sorry Ruby!
I'd like to get into Vermont tommorrow to get some maple syrup to go with Paul's honey!
mmmmmm.... sugar

"Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy"
Have a great and open a door for someone that you don't will make both of you feel better!! 

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