Wednesday, April 25, 2012

When we made a bee-line to the Gulf (I needed to smell the ocean again!), the highway ran out and we drove directly onto a ferry that took 3 minutes to get underway, 4 minutes to cross...really cool!  It was a nice surprise and we were still going in the right direction!

Ruby's 1st ferry ride...about half of the total time she was awake (20 minutes) from Houston to Lafayette.  The girls in Houston wore her down, she was at least a day behind on her naps!

Our 1st sunset in Lousiana..Ruby now has been in 7 states, not bad for a one year old!

I had another batch of pictures that I thought uploaded,  I'm not sure where they went? They were of Port Arthur Tx., Janice Joplins hometown.  Apparently there was no love lost between her and the city.  She said the city was a agrument fom me..they said she was a drug addled hippy..also a true assessment. Had to see it for myself...seemed like a really difficult environment to live in.  Lots of refineries, lots of desolution but some of the happiest people in the world!  I asked directions from 2 guys and both were extremley nice. David Collazzo my last savoir.  He worked as a security guard at Lamar (Hunt?) State College which seemed to have major a influence on the downtown area.  In addition to giving me directions to the museum he told me that his dad had been friends with Janis and has a picture of her sitting on his Mercury before she was famous!
Tomorrow I think we'll take run down to the Tabasco factory then on to the area at the mouth of the Mississippi that got racked by Katrina and the BP spill.

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