Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Here we are in Houston, spending a couple of wonderful days with my cousin Jan and her husband Chris!
I have an apology to make to ya'll (yes we have finally reached that part of U.S. where the shortcuts taken in word usage makes sense to me!)  I guess over the next little while we will be encountering numerous types of dialect.  For me personally, I like it!  It shortcuts a ton of words, rolls off the tongue easily and just sounds cool!  Back to the apology...on our last post I mentioned that we had driven some 4800 miles, in reality we have covered only 2477.  Blame it on old age or fatigued eyes from the long can pick one, I pick the fatigued eyes!  My kids would probably pick the other option.

I can't do a post without showing you some of the beautiful flowers that we encounter in route (I like flowers!)  If you look closely at this picture you can see numerous bees doing their job.  I admire bees and ants because they are always working for the collective good of all in the hive or colony.  They do whatever is necessary to ensure the continuation of the life that they have created now and for future generations.
I think that in this country, we have somehow become a people of "what's in it for me" rather than thinking of what's best for the company or for that matter, what is good for the country.  I wish that our politicians, would embrace the practices of bees and ants and start (for a change) doing what is best for all of the people, rather than the special interest groups that they all seem to pander to or doing things that serve their own individual needs.
What ever happened to "for the people, by the people"?

Another of the quirky stops that we made on the way to Houston.  This church is reputed to be the smallest Catholic church in the world!  Gotta tell you I don't think that 7 people (including the priest) could stand inside this church while mass is being conducted, much less sit down!
Then I remembered that we were in Baptist country and there really aren't many Catholics around.  Maybe this was about as big as Catholic churches get in this part of the country!
This church was just out side of La Grange and anyone that knows ZZ Top's songs knows that their song titled after La Grange isn't about anything to do with religion it's about a famous brothel that once existed in La Grange.
Even with strong religion, everyone has needs...know what I mean?

Our gracious hosts, Chris and Jan.  We had such a good time here...eating, catching up on old times and discussing family issues.  You see, that within the last month, our family has lost not only Chris and Jan's niece (very tragic and very sudden) but also Jan's mom, my aunt 10 days later.  Her passing was a blessing as she had been suffering for some time and I think was ready to move on.  Chris and Jan as well as my cousin Sue and her husband Tom have gone through these ordeals with strength and compassion  It hasn't been an easy time for anyone, but particularly for these 4.
Probably the best thing to come out of this is that it has brought our entire extended family together in a manner that the family has not experenced for quite some time.
For that I'm very grateful.

Ruby, Lucy,Lovie and Jan.  Lovie and Ruby had some "issues" when we first arrived..they are both alpha females  and like humans take some time to discover the ins and outs of each others personalities.  They are now best buddies.  I've said it before and I'll say it again..given enough time Ruby can convert any dog or person into her best friend!

Ruby and her buddy looking for food!  This was the perfect stop for Ruby as she got an extended period of socializing with other dogs...she really needed it!

It seems like the only thing I've been doing in Texas is eating and eating extremely well.  Too well as a matter of fact!
This was part of the meal that Chris and Jan prepared for us our 1st evening in Houston.
Ahhhh...Texas beef...nothing better and much cheaper than what we pay in Orange County!
The cost of living seems to be substantially less expensive...ergo the huge influx of Californians into Texas!

Chris took me fishing for catfish (we are in the South after all) at this little pond close to their house. Unfortunatly, all we caught were 2 sunfish and 2 turtles.  Disappointing but a ton of fun!
Ruby on the other hand had the best day she's had since leaving home.  She spent the entire time in the water, swimming, running up and down the banks, chasing the bobbers connected to our lines as we cast them (we finally took them off so she couldn't see where the line was going)  and finding sticks in the water!  She was fascinated by the turtles we caught...another 1st for the Rubes!
She got a much needed bath after this and I finally got the Monument Valley dust and Texas butterflys off of the, we are all clean and ready to continue east today!

Meet Maddie, she was our charming server last night at Pappadeaux, an extraodinary Cajon restraurant close to Chris and Jan's house.  She gave me my 1st "ya'll"!  While talking with her we discovered that, are you ready for this...she was from California!  Her dad got transferred here 5 years ago and is originally from Lodi..CCR.."stuck in Lodi again"  Lodi is up north by Stockton. We started with 3 and 1/2  lbs. of "mud bugs"..or crawfish..awesome.  Proceeded to the greek salad..awesome.  I had a main course of crawfish ettouffe..awesome.  Then desert of bananna pudding with vanilla wafers embedded in the pudding...beyond awesome.
Maddy's full name is Madison, which she would still be called (I think) if she was still living in California.
She was a sweetheart and I'm glad that I got the chance to meet her!

So, as mentioned earlier today we go east.  I have no idea where we will end up, but I can guarantee you one thing...we will see some sights that we have never seen and meet interesting and nice people!

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