Thursday, April 26, 2012

These are the pictures that I wasn't able to upload yesterday.  Please check out yesterdays posts to get a complete view of our run from Houston to Lafayette.
This is Port Arthur, Janis Joplins hometown.  Having seen her birth city it was pretty obvious why she had to get the hell out of town.  I wonder how many ultra talented people have gotten stuck in city's like this because of circumstances that were beyond their control or more importantly just didn't have the guts to make a change in their follow their dreams.

Janis' exhibit in Port Arthur...thats her Height Ashbury Porsche in the forground..."O lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz, my friends all drive Porsche's and I must make amends".

Putting Texas in our rearview mirror...finally!
I had a great time in Texas and wish to thank everyone who welcomed Ruby and I into their homes!
It's going to take some time to work off the weight I gained there!

We had waited so long to see the ocean again and this was our 1st glimpse of the Gulf...not exactly the beautiful scene I had hoped for...I guess I really miss the Pacific!

All the houses in this area are built on stilts..for self explanatory reasons.

Our surprise ferry ride

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