Monday, April 23, 2012

Well here we are in Austin Texas!  Thus far we have traveled 4817 miles since leaving Corona Del Mar.  I wasn't quite sure why I was feeling kind of tired because I really didn't know we had traveled that far!  Our 2 days in Austin at my dear friends Greg and Barbara Miller's home (what a home!) was all about catching up on our least mine, Ruby doesn't have a problem sleeping while I do the driving.  Anyway, it was a very pleasant stop..good friends, great food, good laughs, great deep philosophical discussions.  Exactly what Ruby and I needed after spending 6 days in some of the most remote areas of the U.S.  

My good friends Greg and Barb.  Greg is a BIG time artist having showings in New York, L.A, London.   He will also be the artist in residence in Providence Mass in August for 2 weeks.  Barb, in addition to be being the love of his life also manages Greg's career.  She takes care of everything and I mean everthing so that Greg can concentrate on his fabulous painting.  Barb can also cook!  Between the incredible restaurants and Barb's cooking I think I gained 5 pounds!

Barb, Greg and the camera hog (I actually think she likes having her picture taken, with people other than me!)  In the background is the Colorado river with the skyline of Austin.  The building in the background on the right was used in "Batman The Black Knight".
The restaurants that I was fortunate enough to dine at were "La Condesa", which had unquestionably the best Mexican food I've ever eaten, trust me I've eaten a lot Mexican food!  They are so good that they are opening a sister location in the Napa Valley!  We also had brunch at "Lamberts"...unquestionably the best beef brisket...ever!

Ruby and I with Willy Nelson.  This statue was dedicated a day earlier and Willy did a free concert after the dedication.  It's true..there is free music everywhere you go in Austin.  What a great city.  I never thought I could live anywhere other than by the ocean but I could live here (not in the summer though).

Greg hard at work...he works his ass off!

Funny story...Ruby took to Barb unlike any other person that I've seen.  We were joking that she might not get in the car to go to Houston (our next stop to see my cousin Jan and her husband Chris) with me, she really likes it here!

Ruby and I were up on a hill getting a shot of the sunset and missed all of the excitement, apparently Mike( in the golf cart) saw a rattlesnake and blew it's head off with a shot gun..apparently everyone in Texas carries a gun!
Earlier we met their neighbors Wayne and Carol.  Wayne is a retired oil executive having spent the prior 20 years in the middle east.  Can you imagine the love that Carol has for Wayne to be out of the country for so long?

While we were talking the subect of their cats came up, one or their cats, 9 years old had recently died.  I felt so bad for Carol as she teared up then began crying.  I think that anyone that has ever had a faithful 4 legged friend could put themselves in Carol's shoes and know exactly how she felt...I know I have.

The view from Greg and Barb's deck!  It is so quiet and peaceful with stars so close, you could almost reach out and touch them.  I get it,  Austin is everything that I had heard and more.  I think I would miss the beach, but there is definetly something appealing about this lifestyle.
No wonder so many Californians are moving here!

Our last sunset, this trip, in Austin!

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