Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I know that the Grand Canyon is one of the 7 wonders of the world, but Monument Valley is on par with the Canyon but apparently few people really know about it.  It's about 3 hours from the Canyon but only gets 500,000 visitors a year compared to 3,000,000 for the Canyon.  It's becoming apparent to me that people from other countries know more about the wonders of our country than we do.  At Monument it was primarily Germans, the Canyon Japanese.

Monument Valley is owned (I guess thats the right term) by the Navajo and is not part of the National Parks system.  Entrance is $5 and the very, very rough 17 mile road thru the Valley will test even the most rugged rental car!  I have been fortunate to see many beautiful places on the planet and this is definitely in my top 3.  I don't like the term bucket list but this heavenly corner of our country, nay our world should be seen by all at some point in their life.

I think my timing was perfect as Spring was on full display...wildflowers, new growth on the trees and sage and the most beautiful scents of growth eminating from  the annual renewal of life.

Did I mention the quiet?  The only sounds I every heard were the rocks crunching under my feet and the ever present panting of my faithful companion!

Have I mentioned stunning to many times yet?

If you have ever seen a John Wayne, John Ford western it was probably filmed here beginning in 1939 with Stagecoach, The Searchers (my personal favorite John Wayne movie), She Wore A Yellow Ribbon and many more...after making the 17 mile loop I don't think that there is any type of typography synonymous with westerns that can't be found here...did I say STUNNING?

This is the 4 corners marker...standing in 4 states at the same time?  Who would get the tax money?  Ruby was pissed because they had the dreaded "No Dogs Allowed" sign...she also knew they were selling food inside. On the way to Albuquerque we passed over the Continental Divide.  I realized that like the water that flows east and west to our oceans,  Ruby and I were now going to be flowing to the east for quite some time.

Sorry...this map was from the day before...I'll get it together one of these days...promise!

I took about 125 pictures in the Valley...when I get to west Texas (not having seen it but have been told that it is...tedious?)  I'll put some more on here

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