Wednesday, April 18, 2012

This is the very beginning of day 3, April 16th.  Still at the Grand Canyon....I know , I know...I'm running behind but we will catch up soon...promise!  When we left the motel at 5:15 to get to the Canyon for the sunrise it was 28 degrees..but it was really worth it!  But I'm starting to long for some warmer's been COLD!
Just before the sun peaked over the Canyon
Ruby doing what she has been so patiently doing..waiting,waiting,waiting for me to get my pictures done...what a GREAT DOG she is!
Forcing Ruby into a shot with me
The complete grandeur of the Grand Canyon as the sun has risen above the canyon rim
Waiting, waiting, waiting
The reason this picture is here is not really because of the wonderful view (even though it was very pretty), it's the story behind it.  This was a scenic spot, so not knowing what was so scenic I decided to stop.  At most of these stops the Navajo have set up stands selling jewelry, pottery, arrows etc.  At this particular stop there was a higher concentration of venders than usual.  They lined both sides of the entrance to the view spot overlooking the Little Colorado river.  Maybe 30 vender stands, on the way in Ruby decided that this was as good a spot as any to pee, which she did while 15 Navajo women watched (she loves to be the center of attention!).  On the way out, with almost the entire group of venders watching she did what she had to know as my mom used to say "her business".  Now all 30 women are watching me clean up..not the most interesting thing we've done, but certainly memorable!

1 comment:

  1. I am one of those people that has never been to the Grand Canyon.... but now it's on my "bucket list" Amazing pictures!Keep them coming:-)Elia
