Tuesday, April 17, 2012

This is the very 1st view I ever had of the Grand Canyon (from less than 5miles up)
It had snowed the day before (same storm that hit Southern California on Friday)...this is Sunday by the way, my daughters birthday which I forgot..Courtney I am so sorry I hope that you will find it in your heart to forgive me...
Once again Ruby spreading her infectious happiness to all that cross her path (I never get glanced at when with her...kind of like being with a stunning woman)
One of the few with the 2 of us.  She obviously doesn't like to share the limelight!
Unfortunately some of the storm waas still lingering over the western rim.  Not the sunset I was hoping for but still a gift (every day is a gift)
Ruby hates crows..and there are a ton of the scavengers around this part of the world.  This one was very brave, defiant, stupid..pick one and you are probably correct!
Being the California dog that she is this was Ruby's 1st encounter with snow..she loved eating it and rolling around in it.  If anybody's keeping track this was the 2nd of 3 days that I had a wet, muddy dog in the back seat!

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